Day Rides

Day Rides

We have a couple of dozen Day Rides aside from the main four displayed, if anything we're able to put together for you please don't hesitate to contact us!

Featured Tours

Featured Tours

Anything from ten days to a full three weeks out on the road, these ARE just a bit special!

Groups / Corporate

Groups / Corporate

We love having you guys along, the craic and banter, we're howling all day, every day, sides aching! We've had many clothing, apparel, aftermarket parts mfrs rewarding their teams and wow, what a blast!

Special Events

Special Events

Events, Parties, Festivals, you honestly won't believe your senses! However, please book in plenty of time (6 - 24 months is adviseable) as obviously accommodation is at a premium. These are all Public Holidays so literally millions of Thais are booking too. It's The #1 reason they're SO much fun!!

Two Weeks

Two Weeks

Our most popular offering! Did you know up to 10% discountb is available for advance bookings? By using our "Search For a Trip" & only setting a rough idea of your required dates, we're able to show you exactly which tours are available & when? Select a tour for your first week, book it, add another for your second week, you're now counting down to the best biking trip, ever. We'll confirm your bookings via email, getting to know you over the coming months, helps massively!



Our One-Week (8days including Arrival / departure days) 7-night stock-in-trade tours, a fantastic introduction to the country!


Our events

Early Check-In
Early Check-In
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Special Sunday!
Special Sunday!
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Free T-Shirt
Free T-Shirt
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